Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dvorak Family 1957

From the 35mm home slide collection of my Dad, (the late Jack O. Dvorak), I have put together the first of what I hope to be many mini videos.  Pardon the polka music on this one, but with a Czech name like "Dvorak" one almost would have to deny your heritage to ignore it.

My Brother's youngest son, Ben, worked an enormous amount of time to catalog and digitize these slides, for posterity.  If the truth were known today; the next generation of Dvorak's won't even care to look at 'em!  Thank you Ben, for your hard work and efforts.  We really appreciate it.  I, personally, have been having fun posting some of these pictures on my Facebook page and getting some interesting comments back.  Mostly in fun...but, a few critical by those who like to poke fun at almost anything.

Take this picture for example.  This is me having some peanut butter and "Club Crackers" on the kitchen counter.  Other times we may have had Colby Cheese, my favorite as a youngster.  Dad and I would do this on a regular basis as an evening snack.  

So, someone pointed out that for all the years they had known the family, they didn't remember us eating "Jewish" crackers?  To me they were "Club Crackers."  OK, what you can't see in the picture is my yarmulke!  Well, the truth is out now, it's there, isn't it?  You decide.

So here it is...The Dvorak Family Christmas 1957.

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