Thursday, September 3, 2015


delete  [dih-leet]

verb (used with object), deleted, deleting.

to strike out or remove (something written or printed); cancel; erase;expunge.
Delete, like to erase recordings on audio tape or remove written material form an email.  Bob Woodward, investigative reporter of the famed Watergate incident involving President Nixon, says that Hillary Clinton's handling of her emails as Secretary of State reminds him of the Nixon Watergate tapes.  
It was the erased 18.5 minutes of audio tapes, out of the thousands of hours of White House recordings, that ultimately forced Nixon to resign the Presidency.  
We should hold our leaders feet to the fire for accountability, and Hillary has been allowed to evade the American People on how she has handled her emails.  

If it was bad for Nixon to delete important government information, than Clinton should be accountable to the same standard as a key US Federal Government Leader. 
So, for the record, here is Bob Woodward's response about Clinton's emails.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Westboundkid Report

A few interesting things for this week.  Trending video, golf, a blast from the past and a nice video from my long time buddy in Michigan, Doug Edwards.

Enjoy...and don't take things too serious!!