This is shared from my Arizona Friend on Wordpress, The Lone Cactus
He's got this one figured out!

You’ve heard of the latest psychotic neuroses right? TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome? This is where if you’re a liberal, you’re going bat-crazy right now that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. You’re in a constant state of denial, and you can’t imagine how the country could have gotten it so wrong.
After everything that Donald Trump has done to right the economy, you’re really upset because it was, after all, Barack Obama, not Donald Trump that turned the economy around (after eight straight years of stagnant growth…the worst of any president since Herbert Hoover). Even as you got a new, high paying job and got to quit the two part-time jobs you got under Obama, and now you’re making a “living wage” thanks to the new factory that moved back to this country from Mexico, you can’t seem to believe it’s Donald Trump’s doing.
Even after you spent your tax break on a family vacation this summer, you harp about how the rich are getting it all, and the middle class got screwed. And just when you think that it couldn’t get any worse, Anthony Kennedy resigns from the Supreme Court, and Donald Trump is going to be the benefactor of choosing yet another Justice. That means that IF Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes it through the term, it’s probably going to be a solid 5-4 conservative court. IF RBG retires or dies in the next year and a half, then it becomes a 6-3 court. And IF Steven Breyer follows her (he’s 79 after all), then it becomes a 7-2 court, and you can forget about ever getting a decent decision out of them.
In the meantime, the Senate is busy pushing through judicial nominations to flood the lower federal courts with more conservative judges. And that was after Obama pushed to do the same thing on the liberal side!
And you wonder how the country got it so wrong? Why does it seem that Trump is actually winning, when he wants to tear kids away from their families at the border, and still wants to build that damn wall?
Well, the country is slipping over to Trump. According to a Harvard University study just released, his approval rating is up in the last month two points to 47%. While 90% of Republicans support him, Independents’ support grew by 10% in the past month, and yes, even Democrats’ support increased by 4%. And that was a study from Harvard, for God’s sake….those guys are supposed to be liberal!
IF (and again, that’s a big “IF”) Trump were to continue on this path for the next few months, it could spell a complete doom to this “Big Blue Wave” that Nancy Pelosi has predicted. I mean, when was the last time she got something right. When was the last time she was able to actually get a sentence out without stumbling? Apparently, the “generic battle” for Congress has evened up. Oh, and their approval rating? It’s the highest it’s been in 28 years! And how can that be with the Republicans in charge of both houses of Congress?
Liberals need to realize that where Barack Obama lost over 900 seats nationwide for the Democrats, making him the largest political loser in history, Donald Trump may well be better for the Republican party than even Ronald Reagan was. And that’s a feat even the most ardent liberal wishes they could top!
Carry on world…you’re dismissed!
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