If you are at all asking yourself, "What the hell has gotten into people these days? They all seem to be mad at something and have become unhinged." That's because the answer is, they are!
And it is by no mistake, these "snowflakes" intend to be that way. Dale Carnegie has been dead for nearly 63 years, and people have forgotten how to win friends and influence people. Today, they just yell from the rafters, usually invoking some sort hostile victim status. This is now known as intersectionality, and where you are on the social pecking list determines what you can expect to receive, or demand to receive, whichever is the case.
Take the Resist Movement, for example. They hate Trump and anything he does. Ignore the fact that he won the US Presidency legitimately by the system we have used for electing US Presidents, like forever. Also, ignore the fact that the economy is doing quite well, unemployment hasn't been this good in a lifetime especially among minorities, he has pulled some of our so-called "friends" aside and suggested that they might be taking economic advantage of the United States in areas of trade, NATO and maybe even quieting that sawed-off little dictator in North Korea. And he has done it in short of 2 years. His predecessor couldn't accomplish it even in 8 years. But, don't confuse the "snowflakes" with the facts, they just get louder and raunchier, 'cause after all, Hillary was going to win 1 million votes to one. It's selfish behavior on their part; I know.
This video from Prager U sums up perfectly what intersectionality is and worth taking a few moments to watch.
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