Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Communist Rules for Revolution

Should you be surprised by this article, published originally in 1970?  Or are you just in denial? 
This is exactly the road map that liberal, political, fanatic, elitists are following to seize control and ultimately dictate how everyone else will live.  The Mayor of New York City, yesterday, held a press conference to introduce a new city law that will make New York the most expensive place to purchase a pack of cigarettes, at nearly $15 a pack.  This in the name of "public health!"  OMG, the government has got to protect us from ourselves because they know what is best for us.  Shame on us to think that we could ever again determine our own individual destiny in life.  I am not a cigarette smoker, but, if I want to smoke myself to death; it is none of the Mayor of New York's business!  
Lest I digress.  There are those who place a label on every issue before the public, and our great nation.  Someone says that  the current state of our immigration situation needs to be addressed, for example (...and both political parties know this to be the case) however, a finger is pointed and from the rafters the word "racism" is shouted!  And nobody has even suggested anything of a racist sort, except that they could be from a political party that we want everyone else to believe are racists or bigots or any other label that exaggerates and creates a monster out of the other political side. 
We have investigation on top of investigation and innuendo about our leaders, what they have done or have not done depending on your perspective, and no evidence of facts exists.  Yet the fingers continue to be pointed and one more accusation is leveled that needs further investigation.  ...and for those leaders where evidence  is found to be true?  Well, that was just a "witch hunt" and it was someone else's fault.  No harm, No penalty for their actions.
College campuses are being ripped apart because someone is scheduled to speak, and that person is deemed a FILL IN THE BLANK HERE WITH THE LABEL YOU WANT and thus it is OK to burn, pillage, loot and perform violent actions to their campus.   The college leaders cower in the corner and surrender so as not to screw up anybody's idea of self esteem.  So, they come out against free speech and differing points of view.  Why not, it is only one of the things that has made America Great!  Taking the clipping from above, I believe that colleges and universities have molded themselves into the framework of these Communist Rules for Revolution.
Many followers of this doctrine have not figured out yet, the impact to them personally.  Take the efforts to remove the monuments of the Confederacy from the US Civil War.  The very reason they seek removal of the historic relics of the past is racism, the same reason why we fought a Civil War was fought in the first place.  Now to remove, alter or destroy history so we forget about the past to make us feel better about today?   Well, when we forget our history we are then bound to repeat it!
Control the media, the message, spend future generation's wealth so deep they will never get out of the hole, divide and concur.  Let us be engrossed in things that are not real or not really important.  Put your head in the sand, your social media and your self absorbed world of me.  But be forewarned!  Evil does exist in this world and has an enormous appetite for anyone who will buy into its deception.   
I choose my God & guns; you can have the change! 

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