Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Hat

Our neighbors have sold their home and are moving back to Germany; after being snowbirds in Arizona for the last 25 years.   It is sad to see them go as they have been great neighbors and are fun loving people.  Carrying on a lengthy conversation is sometimes a little difficult, but we seem to get along and understand each other, with some help of great German beer, wine schnapps and Oktoberfest.

So, keeping with the "fun loving" theme, Germans are big on hats.  Many of them are decorated with feathers.  At our farewell gathering the other day this hat was brought out and given to my wife.

 She thought it was a great idea to have all the ladies try the hat on and we take a picture of each.  I thought it would be great to get me wearing it also!  This is what I put together to give to our neighbor as fond memories of our friendship.

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