Today we lost our "Faithful Friend," her name was Abby. For 13 years, ever since she was 6 weeks old, she has been a regular member of our family. Together we have been though thick & thin and all she ever wanted to be was close to me, or any other human being in my absence.
I would tell her every single day that, "You are the best dog in the world!" ...and she was! She could speak & understand perfect English. Abby loved to have you pay attention to her. Pats on the back, rub her belly, talk to her and, well, love her unconditionally.
A few years ago, before she lost her eyesight to cataracts, she would play fetch forever as long as you could stand it. When the popcorn maker came out, watch out. She wanted to enjoy it too. Throw her a kernel and she hardly ever let it land on the floor before nabbing it out of the air. Last week was our last time to have popcorn together; she would use her "hunting skills" with her nose to track down the popcorn conveniently placed for her to get.
Abby also could tell time. She knew when it was time to get up, eat, for us to go to work, for our dog walker to come and take her to the dog park everyday. She knew when to ask to go out for that short walk before coming to bed. In the mornings is when she really expressed herself and her ability to tell time. Many times coming to my side of the bed, standing 6 inches from my face...and bark! Not a little, "hey, think you want to get up?" No, not Abby. It was a kind of bark like, "Get your ass out of bed, NOW, and take me out. It is time...You've been sleeping all night already!" Only Abby could get away with that and have Heidi & I laugh so early in the morning!
Most of her adult life, Abby would sleep on the bed between us. 73 pounds of pure love and sometimes she would even scoot up and place her head on our pillows. Who says, "threes a crowd, anyway?" We would wake up, depending on which direction her face was turned, breathing hot air in your face and she would be looking at you with those dark brown eyes, almost to say, "Gee I love the fact that you guys decided to live in my house with me and share my things!"
Now Abby was "our baby." You see, I brought 2 boys to the relationship, as I had full custody of my sons. Heidi & I thought we might try to have at least 1 child together. Well, nature has different ideas sometimes, so when we understood that another human being was not coming from us, my Wife decided that she wanted to nurturer a different kind of God's living things. Thus, Abby.
Abby blessed us with 12 full breed English Labrador Retrievers; when she was 2 years old. Chocolates and Black Labs but no yellow ones! What a time that was and we were excited as Grandparents to witness the process and to share the love of Labs with 12 other loving families, who made homes for the pups.
Don't get me wrong...Abby was not always the "perfect dog!" There was a time when she was "hell on wheels." If we didn't have her on a leash, that nose went straight to the ground, her hunting instincts kicked in and her hearing went blank to any verbal commands to, "Stop...Come Here Now!"
There was that annual July 4th canoe trip down the Au Sable River when, against all objections from her husband, parents and kids, Heidi insisted that it was the year for Abby to experience the "annual family ritual." Yes, it was a disaster as Abby would not stay still enough to keep from rocking the canoe and tipping us over. Needless to say, we didn't take her canoeing ever again! Enough said about that!
We look back on that and laugh, now...but, "a lot of water had to pass over the dam," pun intended!
Eventually Abby settled down. After coming to Arizona 6 years ago, she learned to walk by our side, without a leash. Was much calmer and less rambunctious. Simply to be close to us at every opportunity. To love and be loved. After all, we live in an active retirement community so Abby learned to "take it easy and enjoy every minute of it." And, she fit right in. Everyone called her a "sweetheart." She got along with people and other dogs, big and small alike. She never really grew out of being the "greeter" as she thought every person and every dog she came in contact with was there to see her.
Abby was met with a peaceful end of a full loving life. We already miss her and the house is very quiet. Coming home; we can't help ourselves to look for her, somehow expecting her to magically be there. She is there in our memories and in our heart.
So, to our Faithful Friend Abby, this is not goodbye forever, it's so long for a while, and let's plan to meet at the Rainbow Bridge.
I would tell her every single day that, "You are the best dog in the world!" ...and she was! She could speak & understand perfect English. Abby loved to have you pay attention to her. Pats on the back, rub her belly, talk to her and, well, love her unconditionally.
A few years ago, before she lost her eyesight to cataracts, she would play fetch forever as long as you could stand it. When the popcorn maker came out, watch out. She wanted to enjoy it too. Throw her a kernel and she hardly ever let it land on the floor before nabbing it out of the air. Last week was our last time to have popcorn together; she would use her "hunting skills" with her nose to track down the popcorn conveniently placed for her to get.
Abby also could tell time. She knew when it was time to get up, eat, for us to go to work, for our dog walker to come and take her to the dog park everyday. She knew when to ask to go out for that short walk before coming to bed. In the mornings is when she really expressed herself and her ability to tell time. Many times coming to my side of the bed, standing 6 inches from my face...and bark! Not a little, "hey, think you want to get up?" No, not Abby. It was a kind of bark like, "Get your ass out of bed, NOW, and take me out. It is time...You've been sleeping all night already!" Only Abby could get away with that and have Heidi & I laugh so early in the morning!
Most of her adult life, Abby would sleep on the bed between us. 73 pounds of pure love and sometimes she would even scoot up and place her head on our pillows. Who says, "threes a crowd, anyway?" We would wake up, depending on which direction her face was turned, breathing hot air in your face and she would be looking at you with those dark brown eyes, almost to say, "Gee I love the fact that you guys decided to live in my house with me and share my things!"
Now Abby was "our baby." You see, I brought 2 boys to the relationship, as I had full custody of my sons. Heidi & I thought we might try to have at least 1 child together. Well, nature has different ideas sometimes, so when we understood that another human being was not coming from us, my Wife decided that she wanted to nurturer a different kind of God's living things. Thus, Abby.
Abby blessed us with 12 full breed English Labrador Retrievers; when she was 2 years old. Chocolates and Black Labs but no yellow ones! What a time that was and we were excited as Grandparents to witness the process and to share the love of Labs with 12 other loving families, who made homes for the pups.
Don't get me wrong...Abby was not always the "perfect dog!" There was a time when she was "hell on wheels." If we didn't have her on a leash, that nose went straight to the ground, her hunting instincts kicked in and her hearing went blank to any verbal commands to, "Stop...Come Here Now!"
There was that annual July 4th canoe trip down the Au Sable River when, against all objections from her husband, parents and kids, Heidi insisted that it was the year for Abby to experience the "annual family ritual." Yes, it was a disaster as Abby would not stay still enough to keep from rocking the canoe and tipping us over. Needless to say, we didn't take her canoeing ever again! Enough said about that!
We look back on that and laugh, now...but, "a lot of water had to pass over the dam," pun intended!
Eventually Abby settled down. After coming to Arizona 6 years ago, she learned to walk by our side, without a leash. Was much calmer and less rambunctious. Simply to be close to us at every opportunity. To love and be loved. After all, we live in an active retirement community so Abby learned to "take it easy and enjoy every minute of it." And, she fit right in. Everyone called her a "sweetheart." She got along with people and other dogs, big and small alike. She never really grew out of being the "greeter" as she thought every person and every dog she came in contact with was there to see her.
Abby was met with a peaceful end of a full loving life. We already miss her and the house is very quiet. Coming home; we can't help ourselves to look for her, somehow expecting her to magically be there. She is there in our memories and in our heart.
So, to our Faithful Friend Abby, this is not goodbye forever, it's so long for a while, and let's plan to meet at the Rainbow Bridge.
![]() Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. | |
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown... |
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