Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Escape the Warmth!

Looking to escape these Arizona temperatures, but not before experiencing the hottest day of 2011 here today, at 110 degrees. OK, let me get this out first...."but, it's a dry heat!" Some say, "If I hear this again; road rage may strike!" For me, I've come to think that 110 isn't really hot, it just isn't right for sitting outside under the patio cover and having a cold adult beverage. I might call today "warm".

We endure the heat of summer in order to never have to shovel any sunshine during the winter. In fact, from November to June, the weather here is pretty enjoyable in the "Valley of the Sun" of Phoenix, Arizona. We have had a very remarkable spring, with cool evenings and mornings and daily temps that are comfortable. Maybe I'm just getting used to the climate here, after all I'm going on 3 years living in Arizona and that almost makes me a native by Arizona residence standards, as nearly everyone here is from "somewhere else".

So now I am staring down this vacation to Alaska in the face, and all of a sudden this 110 degree day seems intense! ...and on Friday, when we arrive in Fairbanks, Alaska, late in the evening, it will still be daylight but the temperature could be 60 degrees colder than today's high! 60 degrees than what I am calling today a "warm" day. Eeeks! Can that be true? Close your eyes, tap your heals together 3 times, and repeat after me..."there's no place like home! No place like home! No place like...."

Mike wake up, it's time to get going to the airport! "Wow, Auntie 'Em, I had a dream that I was in the middle of the 7th largest city in the country and the temp was 110 degrees. Then suddenly, I was in the wilderness of Alaska, and I was cold!" She smiles at me and blurts out in that bold demeanor, that only a crazed aunt can, and says,  "That's not a dream you idiot, it's real!  You better take your fleece and wear it on your trip, or you might catch a death of pneumonia!"

Do I need to pack my ear muffs & hand warmer too? 
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