It has been a notable trip so far, and it has only begun. On Thursday, I went from 110 degree weather in Phoenix to 58 degrees in Fairbanks, Alaska. Delayed getting to Fairbanks, then getting up to Delta Junction, by the dense smoke of the wild fires in the area. My flight into Fairbanks was only the second commercial airline flight to arrive there that day.
I spent Thursday night and all day Friday with WO1 (Warrant Officer 1)Dave Piggott, who has been around our family since his high school Days. In fact, Dave calls his real Dad by his first name but calls me "Dad". Dave is stationed in Fairbanks at Ft. Wainwright as a Black Hawk helicopter pilot, so he took me on base and let me experience one up close. This is way cool!
Rob, Erin and Samantha were held in Minnapolis until late Friday, before they were cleared to fly to Alaska. They finally arrived in Delta Junction very early Saturday morning. Here is Samantha and Aunt Erin on the last leg of their trip up here. Rob obviously took this picture! 

Early this morning I could hear the bulgle of the moose in the distance on post. It is common place for them to walk through the neighborhood. Rob had one standing in his yard before their trip back to Michigan. 

Check back later as I will be adding to this post, as we experience Alaska!
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