Thursday, June 26, 2014

AZ Coyotes...New Name New Logo (kinda)

Arizona Coyotes NHL Hockey
New logo for an "all-inclusive" Arizona
The Phoenix Coyotes are about to become the Arizona Coyotes.
The name change will coincide with the NHL draft tomorrow (Friday June 27, 2014), when the Coyotes will pick 12th overall.

The franchise has been known as the Phoenix Coyotes since it was relocated from Winnipeg in 1996, but the new ownership group wanted the name to be all-inclusive for the state of Arizona.
IceArizona purchased the team last summer after it had been operated by the NHL for four years.
Team Mascot - Howler
The Coyotes' uniforms have a new shoulder patch and the lettering in the team logo will change for the 2014-15 season.

© 2014 The Associated Press
Reprint from the Miami Herald
June 23, 2014
Read more here:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What's in a Name?

The U.S. Patent Office has ruled that the name of the NFL Team, Washington Redskins, is "disparaging of Native Americans" and federal trademarks for the name have to be canceled.
Daniel Snyder, the owner of the the Redskins, has refused to change the team’s name, citing tradition in light of growing pressure from Barack Obama, the entire Democrat side of the US Senate, every “bleeding heart liberal” and even the NAACP.

Pun intended; the NAACP is not in the position of calling the pot “black!”

Founded Feb. 12. 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. Its more than half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, campaigning for equal opportunity and conducting voter mobilization.

Not to take away from the good work that the NAACP has done in the name of “civil rights,” but really, times have changed.  Our social consciousness, demeanor, attitudes and beliefs have changed.  I think we can all agree on this.

Why must the Washington Redskins succumb to the intimidation of the likes of Senator Harry Reid and a Federal Bureaucratic Agency who has injected itself in a public policy debate for purely political purposes?  All while nobody has questioned the NAACP for continuing to refer to non-caucasians has “colored people.”  

I believe many more people would be offended by being referred to as “colored people” than those who are offended with NFL’s Washington Football Team using the name “redskins.”  

I do not see the US Patent Office taking away the Trademark issued to the NAACP because they use a term, which in today’s language, is offensive.  I do not hear an outcry from Harry Reid for them to change their name to come current with social norms.  ...and we won’t either!  

Look these are business decisions.  Not government mandated policy on groups, people and organizations that one particular political persuasion uses against their opponents.  

Let the free marketplace help the Washington Redskins make their decisions on this.  Afterall, a loss of sponsors, advertisers, small ticket sales, player discussions and local community support (or lack there of) is how it should work.  

Politicians, bureaucrats and lobbyists have no place engaging in this discussion.  Unless, of course, they really believe in the concept of elimination of “offensive” names.  I would then expect Harry Reid will be making a similar speech in the US Senate demanding the NAACP change it’s name.

When that day does come, expect the NAACP to push back with the defense that there is a “long history associated with the name along with the education and civil rights associated with it.”  

Gee...that is the same argument that Daniel Snyder is using!  ...just say’n!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Evidence Tampering - It's Da Ja Vu all over again!

 Dana Blanton

The consensus is: it’s no accident. More than three-quarters of voters -- 76 percent -- think the emails missing from the account of Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups, were deliberately destroyed.
That’s according to a new Fox News poll.
That suspicion is shared across party lines, albeit to varying degrees. An overwhelming 90 percent of Republicans think the emails were intentionally destroyed, as do 74 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats.
Overall, just 12 percent of voters believe the emails were destroyed accidentally. Another 12 percent are unsure.
The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held part two of its hearing entitled, “IRS Obstruction: Lois Lerner’s Missing Emails,” Tuesday morning.
This latest wrinkle in the IRS targeting of certain groups, including hundreds with “Tea Party” in their name, has increased voter interest in Congress investigating the matter.
Some 74 percent of voters now say lawmakers should investigate the IRS “until someone is held accountable,” up from 67 percent who felt that way in April. That includes 66 percent of Democrats.
This is one of several scandals President Obama claims he first learned about from the news media. (Others include Fast & Furious and the Veterans Affairs wait-list scandal.) The new poll finds less than a third of voters believe that he actually found out about such scandals from the media (31 percent). Almost twice as many don’t believe that could truly be the case (60 percent).
Most Republicans (73 percent) and independents (68 percent) find it unbelievable that Obama learned about the scandals from the news. Among Democrats, views split: 42 percent believe Obama and 44 percent don’t buy it.
The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,018 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from June 21-23, 2014. The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
© 2014 Fox

Monday, June 23, 2014

Favorable Living Presidents

An interesting new Gallup poll, published last week, Americans' Favorable Ratings of Living US Presidents. 

Presidents Clinton, George H W, George W, and Carter all beat Obama by a long shot.
Check out the facts at the following link:

As the narrative of the poll explains, "Americans typically rate presidents more positively after they leave office, so Obama's relatively worse standing than his predecessors is not surprising. However, the current poll represents Obama's worst favorable rating to date."  (emphasis added). 

This poll comes as no surprise, as the American Public has seemingly grown weary of the "deny, spin, misdirect and delay" tactics of nearly every question before this administration.  

Saturday, June 21, 2014

17 Years Strong

Today is the longest day of the year, the beginning of summer and it marks the day I married my best friend and the love of my life, Heidi Dvorak.  We are now 17 years strong and where did the time go?  Well, it goes by real fast; when you are having fun.

So, has there been moments where I have said, "I'm out of here."  Or, "What the hell was I thinking?"

Of course, and I'm sure she has had the same thoughts.  But that is marriage.  We share, grow and live together, and sometimes, disagree.  It is part of the "human experience."  Knowing what I know; I would marry this girl all over again.

She completes me and is my weather vain.  

I think it was fate, when she walked into my business to sell me products that sucked!  But. then, that is another story! are the best!  Happy Anniversary with all my love!  :-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dvorak Family 1957

From the 35mm home slide collection of my Dad, (the late Jack O. Dvorak), I have put together the first of what I hope to be many mini videos.  Pardon the polka music on this one, but with a Czech name like "Dvorak" one almost would have to deny your heritage to ignore it.

My Brother's youngest son, Ben, worked an enormous amount of time to catalog and digitize these slides, for posterity.  If the truth were known today; the next generation of Dvorak's won't even care to look at 'em!  Thank you Ben, for your hard work and efforts.  We really appreciate it.  I, personally, have been having fun posting some of these pictures on my Facebook page and getting some interesting comments back.  Mostly in fun...but, a few critical by those who like to poke fun at almost anything.

Take this picture for example.  This is me having some peanut butter and "Club Crackers" on the kitchen counter.  Other times we may have had Colby Cheese, my favorite as a youngster.  Dad and I would do this on a regular basis as an evening snack.  

So, someone pointed out that for all the years they had known the family, they didn't remember us eating "Jewish" crackers?  To me they were "Club Crackers."  OK, what you can't see in the picture is my yarmulke!  Well, the truth is out now, it's there, isn't it?  You decide.

So here it is...The Dvorak Family Christmas 1957.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father' Day

I miss my Dad...this picture was taken on my visit to New Port Richey, Florida in December of 2011
Happy Father's Day!
Love & Miss You

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Liam Kodiak Dvorak

On Thursday June 12, another Dvorak joins the Fairbanks, Alaska.  Welcome Liam Kodiak Dvorak at 5:36 in the afternoon (Alaska time) at 8 lbs 14 oz.  The second son of Rob & Erin Dvorak.
So, here are two pictures.  The one on the top makes him look "angelic."  The one on the bottom, he is demonstrating his lung capacity!  

He may have the right to cry, in that he got hung up in the birthing process and fractured his right collar bone. Yikes, that has got to be painful?  Wonder if he will end up being left handed?  We don't have too many "lefty's" in the Dvorak Family.  This guy looks like a keeper.  ...just say'n!

Liam, Mom and big brother Jack