Our 3rd annual Holiday "Drink in the Driveway" came off in grand style last Saturday afternoon. For 2 hours, from 4 to 6 PM, the Dvorak's Driveway in Sun City Arizona turns into the place to be. Cocktails, food and fun is had by all.
This year brought a rather creative twist. Snow! That's right, I said, "Snow!" A nice pile of ice cold, clean, bright, white snow. Suitable for snowball throwing, as witnessed by the picture, as I was attempting to get a picture of the crowd. I managed to snap the picture of the incoming snowball and barely cleared the line of trajectory to avoid being hit.
The pile of snow was a novel idea, and many of our guests, young at heart, were thrilled to touch it and play in the snow.
The last of the snow disappeared early Monday morning. But what a fun party and a great way to get together with our friends and neighbors.
Happy Holidays!