Well, it's the Labor Day Weekend. Where does the time go? September already. Next thing ya know, we will be celebrating Christmas and ringing in 2011.
For all my friends back in the Mid-West, Labor Day is the official end of summer. I know this, as trying to take a dock. boat and hoist out of the water in Lake Huron after this day requires a wet suit, as the Great Lakes gets very cold, very fast. But here in the "Valley of the Sun" of Arizona, our last official weekend of summer is somewhere around...uh, Thanksgiving! Now do not get me wrong here, the temps will cool down, as we will Begin seeing daily highs barely in the 90's! And by the end of the year, it will routinely be a very comfortable 75-80 degrees. We can sit out and use our patio well into December and do not shove any sunshine all winter long!
Enough about that, the other thought for the day are some picture posts I wanted to share with you.
One is of Samantha this weekend, driving my Dad's pontoon boat on Lake Bellaire in Michigan. She was up there with J and Dianne on a little weekend trip. She looks like she is having fun? I believe she was! :-)

The other pic is of our Kodiak Jack, from Alaska. Just 1 1/2 months old, here is one of the best photos I have seen of an infant. And I'm not just saying that because he is my Grandson. No, No...this is precious!
He is being held by his Dad, Robert. What an awesome shot! Now that photo is worth paying for.
Family....there is nothing better and Grandchildren are the best. We just wished we didn't live so blasted far away from them!
Have a happy and safe Labor Day!