Well He has finally arrived! The long expected appearance of the nearly famous. He came into this world on Friday July 16, 2010 at 4:56pm (Alaska time) weighing in at 7lbs. 13.6 oz, and 19.5 inches. Mom, Baby Dvorak & Dad are doing fine, all relieved and ready for a good rest. (Well, that won't happen for about 19 years!) Before the parents know it; they will hear, "Hey Mom & Dad, can I borrow the keys to the truck and 20 bucks? Got a hot date tonight!"
Bumpa and
Nanna are very pleased, sorry we aren't there to share the love!
Oh, didn't I mention at the start of this blog that we have a name? Almost forgot!
...so drum roll.....It is now official...
Jack Jakob Robert Dvorak
Now that is a great name! But I think he is still "Kodiak Jack" to me. That can be our special thing!