Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Star Wars with the wife & kids

OK...just something to watch that should make you chuckle!!! Starring, Heidi, J, Rob & Me.
click on the link below:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Help Us Rent Our House

Our House in Owosso, Michigan will be available to rent beginning July 1st. Please pass this along to people you know in Michigan and help us to rent this beautiful home!
Thanks for your help. Mike & Heidi

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Arizona Flat Track Racing

AMA Motorcycle Flat Track Pro Racer - Bryan Smith & Myself at Yavapai Downs, Prescott, Arizona on Saturday May 1, 2010 for the Budweiser Arizona Mile.
It was the perfect day in Arizona's high country. Temps in the low 60's, a bit of a stiff breeze in the air and a slight threat of some sprinkles a few times, but mostly sun. The roar of the motorcycles at over 120 mph in front of us on the mile long dirt oval for the adrenaline rush of flat track motorcycle racing. It is more of a free-for-all in racing, but it is exciting just the same!

Jack Sharpe (my Father-in-Law)and I came out to see some old familar faces, as Michigan pro racers dominate this sport. For me, it was to catch up for a moment with Bryan Smith #42, from Flushing, MI. Bryan and his family was an insured of mine at my agency back in Michigan. So it was good to see him and his Dad, Barry, if only for a few minutes.

Bryan and a couple of hard runs to qualify for the Main Event. He is a tough competitor and we were proud to see him get a spot in the final. Coming back from the 17 th position in an 18 bike race, he was in 5th place after only 2 laps of 20. Then as quick as that happened, his engine gave way and he was out of the race on the far side of the track. What a heartbreak, but we know that there are other races in this season, and Bryan we wish you well. See you back in AZ in October for the final race of the season!

We will be watching and cheering you on. Follow Bryan Smith at the AMA official website:

RESULTS of the race on Saturday here in AZ :AMA Pro Racing GNC Twins National: 1. Joe Kopp (Duc); 2. Sammy Halbert (H-D); 3. Kenny Coolbeth (H-D); 4. Jared Mees (H-D); 5. Chris Carr (H-D); 6. Jake Johnson (H-D); 7. JR Schnabel (H-D); 8. Rob Pearson (H-D); 9. Don Taylor (H-D); 10. Luke Gough (Suz); 11. Henry Wiles (H-D); 12. Aaron King (Rot); 13. Brandon Robinson (H-D); 14. Mick Kirkness (H-D); 15. Chad Cose (Suz); 16. Nichole Cheza (H-D); 17. Bryan Smith (Kaw); 18. Matt Wait (BMW).